

Our main motivation is to support our clients towards a future safer world and more respectful of the environment. Our innovative services with high added value bring great satisfaction to our clients.


As an engineering, innovative and technology consultancy company, independent of any industrial group or any institution, viattech Q&S supports its customers in the public and private sectors (industrial, clients, project owners and operators) in the fields of dependability (RAMS), complex systems engineering and management of industrial risks across the entire life cycle of projects.

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viattech Q&S constantly helps its customers to define and to optimally implement methods and processes to best meet their needs in system engineering and RAMS while taking into consideration regulatory and environmental constraints in technological sectors as railway, aeronautics, automotive, defense and nuclear.

By offering innovative services with high added value and by emphasizing commitment rather than simple advice, viattech Q&S helps its customers to develop or to improve their products, systems, processes and their organisations in order to face the challenges of technological projects which are subject to multiple performance constraints and high safety requirements.

Our team is proud to be able to work together with our customers for a future safer world respectful of the environment


viattech Q&S ambition is to become the reference company in consultancy services covering complex systems engineering, dependability and management of industrial risks implemented in the Transport (railwayaeronautics – automotive), Defense and Nuclear sectors.

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Through its intervention in the hi-tech public transport systems implementing high safety requirements, viattech Q&S seeks to contribute to the development of public transport means which are safer, more reliable and respectful of the environnent.

viattech Q&S wishes to follow its development by positioning itself as a local partner specialized in its core business offering to its customers a real added value and an alternative of excellence compared to other general market actors.

The company wishes to couple its growth with its maintained level of quality services and the development of its team. We support our customers’ ambition while allowing our engineers to grow when working on exciting technological projects.


Personal development within viattech Q&S is one of our strong values. These values constitute the base foundation, the pillars of our attachment to the business plan and the basis for a motivated and united team leading to success.

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The improvement spirit within viattech Q&S is reflected in the action and the continuous improvement putting at the forefront the concern to keep track of the technological evolution and by ensuring high performance in terms of safety and availability. Therefore contributing to a world that is safer and more respectful of the environment is the permanent goal of our work.

The best ideas are worth less than a failed action. At viattech Q&S, we are not afraid of failures because they lead to progress towards excellence. Rather, we fear inaction which is the source of stagnation.

The respect of each person in all of his/her diversity combined with a mutual trust and respect will help to build a proud feeling of being member of the company. This respect includes all stakeholders including our customers, suppliers and partners.

Team spirit
The collective and consulting teamwork within viattech Q&S is the foundation of our projects success. This mutual aid and confident spirit facilitates the share of experiences, increase everyone’s competences and allows capitalising the cumulated skills within the company.


viattech Q&S expertise and know-how are recognized by major actors from the railway sector as mentioned by the client and several professional references achieved in the railway sector, especially the critical control-command systems and signalling.

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The viattech Q&S company is qualified to optimally and pragmatically deploy techniques, methods and processes of the system engineering with the objective of structuring the dysfunctional studies as well as the systematic assessment of the dependability of complex systems used in most technological sectors.

Since 2016, viattech Q&S is accredited as a type A (or third party) inspection body according to the ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard (accreditation certificate nr 571-INSP). Based on that competence recognition, the company is empowered by the Belgian ministerial body to perform the following inspection mission:

  • Audit and independent safety assessment (ISA) in the field of railway (sub-) systems implanted in guided transport according to the Cenelec standard EN50126/EN50128/EN50129.
  • Audit and independent assessment (IA) in the framework of the application of the European regulation 402/2013/EU concerning the Common Safety Method relating to the risk evaluation and assessment in the field of the railway system implemented in the railways.



viattech Q&S position in the technology consulting market, complex systems engineering and dependability is the result of experiences accumulated since 2009 by our team on projects entrusted by our customers in the railway sector.

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The know-how developed in this field has helped the company to offer additional services in other technological sectors (aeronautics, automotive, defense and nuclear).

Because of the transversal nature of our core business, the technical skills acquired in one sector have been used for our customers operating in other technological sectors. Our customers appreciate the benefits contributed by this cross-sectoral skills transfer.

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